Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 8 - When All Else Fails...

This morning, I helped lead devotions. We talked about how God provided for the Israelites in the desert even when they grumbled and complained. It was just another way we got to talk about God’s faithfulness in the midst of our faithlessness.

Today was our final day of teacher training, and we used our time to model lessons for the CPA staff in their own classrooms. I had the privilege of sitting and observing Carrie teach in the ECD (Kindergarten) class.

There’s proof that everyone on our team brought their A-game. See that calendar, hundreds chart, and place value chart? All hand made the night before. Janna did the same thing for her lesson. These teachers know what they’re doing.

It was great watching Carrie teach a calendar lesson in Kinder. I’ve observed younger classes before and know how this time works, but it was the kids first time to participate in this type of lesson. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the first time most of them had ever seen a calendar.

After Carrie finished, Anne taught a short number recognition and addition lesson. It was cool to see her incorporate some of the strategies they had learned in the math session with our teachers.

After chai, the CPA staff and some of our teachers went up to the guest house to debrief while a few of us watched the kids. We only had to watch twenty kids for forty-five minutes. How hard could that be? I’ll just read them a book in the dining hall. Oh, no no no.

I nearly lost my mind.

It’s impossible for me to read aloud or even speak loudly in that dining hall the way the echoes come back at you. I got through about two chapters of Junie B. Jones and could tell the kids weren’t feeling it. On top of that, I couldn’t even hear myself talking over the sound of chairs scraping around on the floor.

So we went outside.

If teachers were pilots, going outside would be our emergency eject button.

TOMORROW: We spend the day in Kijabe.

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